The disused Snia Viscosa (a textile manufacturer) plant lies in the heart of Rieti. Despite having been for over five decades one of Rieti’s key manufacturing hubs, the site has been abandoned. Therefore, the key…
This call for ideas was created for selecting people, not projects. It is therefore not a traditional open call. The goal of the call is not to gather ideas for the development of the ex…
Promoters: MUNICIPALITY OF RIETI MUNICIPALITY OF RIETI The Municipality of Rieti is interested in promoting the project as part of a wider program for the development of the whole community. In particular, the area should…
Rieti’s region is characterized by alternating rural and urban elements. Despite the wide range of natural resources available, Rieti has historically faced challenges in building efficient communications infrastructures, thus making itself vulnerable to negative business…
This open call addresses all those actors (local, national and international) working in the areas of urban planning, local development, and territorial innovation, that are willing to participate in an interdisciplinary and open process for…
Selected applicants will first join the co-planning process from their respective locations, while latter development stages will take place on-site in Rieti. They will become part of the ex Snia Viscosa redevelopment working group, which…
The redevelopment of the area must follow a unifying policy able to overcome any current separation of properties. It must be able to respect the territory’s spirit, traditionsandresources. The project will need to follow principles…
Candidates can submit their application either as individuals or on behalf of a to the e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by March 31, 2015 (23.59 local time). E-mails should not exceed 10 MB size. Any request for…
Applications will be evaluated on the basis of the following: skills and expertise shown by candidates; disciplinary results and overall potential to contribute to the definition of the development proposal; understanding of the local context;…
All expenses related to participants’ stay in Rieti (travel and lodging, local transfers, etc.) will be covered by the project promoters. The selected participants not residing in the Rieti province will be hosted in a…
A1 Layout of the site A2 History and development of the areaA3 The status of land remediationA4/a Rieti and its territory / Natural assetsA4/b Natural assets: WATER AIR SOILA5 The State of the Economy and…
By submitting their applications, the candidates accept the terms and conditions set forth herein. The promoters will not claim ownership of any submission received; the act of submission constitutes a declaration of authorship.
The data collected by the promoters through this open call will be processed according to the Italian Personal Data Protection Code, d.lgs. 30 June 2003, n. 196.In accordance with the Italian law n. 241/90 and…

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